Saturday, 09/05/2015
Yesterday we found a memory leakage. We are still investigating it. We released ML Bot 10.22 to temporarily fix it.
ML Bot 10.22 will constantly check MTGO memory usage and its own internal memory usage, and restart if memory consumption grows too much.
We think the issue has been introduced last Wednesday, but it's too early to say - it will probably take a couple of days to shed light.
Friday, 09/04/2015
In the last days we released a couple of major ML Bot updates.
The most important one is ML Bot 10.16, that moved the entire Profit & Margin tool to the online control panel. This let you change the prices in real time, without restarting the bot and from a unique panel. If you have many bots and you want to adjust their prices, you can do it here without accessing the virtual machines. This will save time and make things easier.
We also expanded the tool and let you choose a % correction for price ranges and rarity - you can have, for example, a thin margin on 50+ tixs cards and a large margin on commons.
Thursday, 08/27/2015
Yesterday Wizards of the Coast released a MTGO update building the core infrastructure for Leagues.
The build was big and required 12 hours of downtime instead of the usual 4. At the end of the downtime Wizards had several problems affecting many functionalities of Magic Online, including trades and events. Trades and Events have been disabled for 2 hours. In general MTGO was not stable after the downtime and was pretty slow.
The issues seem to be resolved now, and Magic Online is again fully operative.
No bot update is required. If you experienced problems with your MTGO (disconnections, low trades, random withdraws) this was ok.
Friday, 08/21/2015
ML Bot version 10.15 is compatible with Windows 10. Previous versions, in fact, had problems with Windows 10 and the bot was not able to work properly.
Still, given the many problem that Windows 10 is having with virtual machines & unscheduled reboots (read more here:, here: and here:, we DO NOT recommend to upgrade your copy of Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10 yet.
As for anything that can affect your business, we suggest to wait till Windows 10 is stable and mature (at least a couple of months)
Tuesday, 08/18/2015
We released ML Bot 10.12. The update introduces a new card transfer mode: "Transfer entire collection (give cards)". The old mode, "Transfer entire collection (get cards)", is still available.
As for the "refill" and "balance" modes, the "give" mode is used to donate cards to another bot, while the "get" mode is used to take cards from another bot.
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